(925) 932-2090
call or voicemail 24 hrs
Walnut Creek Psychologist

Dr. Susan K. Faron
Diplomate Jungian Analyst and Psychologist offering psychotherapy, Jungian analysis, dream analysis and stress reduction for adults and couples in greater Walnut Creek, California, including Alamo, Concord, Danville, Lafayette, Martinez, Orinda, Pleasant Hill, and San Ramon

Diplomate Jungian Analyst

Licensed Psychologist
PSY 10087
Marriage & Family Therapist
MFT 22177

Walnut Creek, CA
near Highways 24/680

"The right way to wholeness is through fateful detours and wrong turnings.

-- C.G. Jung

Current Presentations

is honored to present:

The Wise Old Woman Spirit -
Help as a Partnership

WOW book cover

Modern magic via zoom invites our entry into the world of eros and, curiously -- emptiness -- two vital qualities of the Wise Old Woman spirit that can help us survive... possibly even thrive.

The Wise Old Woman spirit is a part of our own psychological development  of a feminine wisdom energy particular to each of us, man, woman or other, a guiding light in a time of vast loss.

We think we know the meaning of eros and emptiness, but we can't yet. We’re unfamiliar with eros and emptiness in their fullest, most valuable sense. These very qualities, I suggest, are those about which Jung laments as the "missing opposites", leading to the dangerous one-sidedness we suffer.

At heart, the WOW spirit is about peace making - peace making within, peace making with the earth, our families or others… not an ego task "to do," ... but of holding an attitude of partnership with the WOW spirit - a feminine way of peace making, the human role, so to speak.

It’s the Wise Old Woman spirit that brings us peace.

Ongoing Presentations

Presenter: Susan K Faron
Title: Emma Jung and The Wise Old Woman Spirit
Date: Wednesday, April 16, 2025 7 p.m U.K. time (11 a.m. CA time)

S+M Network

Based on The Wise Old Woman Spirit - Help as a Partnership (11-1-23)

SMN members are invited to join as we celebrate this joyous and critical new book about a vital feminine part developing within all humanity, featuring Emma Jung and a feminine way of peacemaking. This Webinar embraces the feminine wisdom archetype serving each of us - man, woman or other - who functions as a compeer of Jung’s Wise Old Man spirit, only carries it further to where we need it most, to the Wise Old Woman spirit!

How does partnering with the WOW spirit help us avoid a third world war? How can we understand that she is a part of us? ...a part that can be experienced by each of us? How might we recognize her when she appears? How could we get to know her before she appears?

[BIO seen below] |

Click here for a video invitation to the
    Wise Old Woman Spirit Webinar,
Featuring Emma Jung and a Feminine Way of Peacemaking!
    London, April 16, 7 p.m. UK time (11 a.m. CA time: zoom)

Hosted by David Lorimer
Global Ambassador & Programme Director
Editor, Paradigm Explorer
Chair, Galileo Commission
Scientific and Medical Network



Presenter: Susan K Faron
Title: The Wise Old Woman Spirit - Help as a Partnership
Date: Friday, October 18, 2024

SMN members are invited to join in as we celebrate this joyous and critical book about a vital feminine part developing within each of us - man, woman or other. A compeer of Jung’s Wise Old Man spirit, the WOW spirit is about partnership and how a personal relationship with the WOW spirit introduces a feminine way of peacemaking.

WOW book cover Scientific and Medical Network

London, UK
Virtual Bar for Members

BIO: Susan K Faron, PhD,
is a Diplomate Jungian Analyst and graduate of the Jung and von Franz Centre, Switzerland. Practicing as a psychologist, Jungian analyst, author and lecturer, she began in 1983, working with individuals and specializing in relationships and spiritual direction. She has given seminars at the San Francisco Analytical Psychology Club and has presented internationally in other forums.

Co-hosted by Andreas Mues and David Lorimer
Global Ambassador & Programme Director
Editor, Paradigm Explorer
Chair, Galileo Commission
Scientific and Medical Network


Wise Old Woman Spirit - Help as a Partnership
Summer Seminar

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am delighted to announce the upcoming presentation on Saturday, August 24, 1:00 pm, PST about Two Men's Experiences of the Wise Old Woman spirit.

WOW book cover

PRESENTER: Susan K Faron, PhD

TITLE: The Wise Old Woman Spirit-Help as a Partnership
The Feminine Function - Two Men's Experiences

HERE is a GLIMPSE of the Wise Old Woman Spirit -->

The feminine function, often unrealized in men, is beyond a solo part in women's functioning. This presentation outlines how the integration of the feminine principle reveals itself in its peace-making role. Two qualities unique to feminine wisdom, serve both men and women apart from traditional or contemporary gender expressions.

To provide a real-life experience of a feminine wisdom figure on an immediate and gut-level basis for each participant through an empathetic or "reexperiencing" event, e.g. hearing the written and personal description of each man's encounter and noting associated thoughts and feelings.


PA Invite _______________________________________________________________

Forum for Graduates of the Centre for Training in Depth Psychology
According to C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz

PRESENTATION #19 Year 2024

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

We are glad to announce the upcoming presentation on April 13, 09:00 pm, Swiss time.
Please, utilize this site to check the correct time according to your time zone: https://dateful.com/time-zone-converter

WOW book cover

PRESENTER: Susan K Faron, PhD

TITLE: The Wise Old Woman Spirit-Help as a Partnership
The Feminine Function - Two Men's Experiences

HERE is a GLIMPSE of the Wise Old Woman Spirit -->

The feminine function, often unrealized in men, is beyond a solo part in women's functioning. This presentation outlines how the integration of the feminine principle reveals itself in its peace- making role. Two qualities unique to feminine wisdom, serve both men and women apart from traditional or contemporary gender expressions.

To provide and measure a real-life experience of a feminine wisdom figure on an immediate and gut-level basis for each participant through an empathetic or "re-experiencing" event.

Susan K Faron, PhD,
is a Diplomate Jungian Analyst and graduate of the Jung and von Franz Centre, Switzerland. She graduated from UC Berkeley, Magna Cum Laude, with high honors in psychology, Phi Beta Kappa, and completed her PhD at the California School of Professional Psychology. Beginning in 1983, Dr. Faron has worked with individuals in private analytic practice, specializing in relationships and spiritual direction. She has lectured at the San Francisco Analytical Psychology Club and has presented internationally in other forums.


Paradigm Explorer 2024/1

* The Wise Old Woman Spirit - Susan K. Faron
Chiron Publications 2023, 237 pp, $27, p/b - ISBN 978-1-68503-187-9

This fascinating book develops the archetypal figure of the wise old woman characterised by eros and emptiness as a counterpart to Jung's wise old man and, interestingly, focusing on the figure of his wife Emma.

Dreams play a central role, weaving strands together into life as a whole and forging the essential immanent coincidence of opposites. Both figures are manifestations of the archetype of the Self, and the wise old woman spirit is becoming more activated in response to the growing patriarchal authoritarian dominance seeking control rather than harmony.

The author explores historical manifestations of the feminine Divine depicting salvation and healing, as also related in fairy tales such as Fledgeling and Rapunzel - this story in particular represents the oppression of the feminine and the repression of eros as 'a sacred and spiritual connection to the higher powers.'

An exegesis of the dark feminine in The Three Spinners highlights the need for balance, accepting the disreputable parts of ourselves, and the need to trust the unconscious.

The author discusses the perceptive remarks about eros by both Jung and von Franz (pp. 109 ff.) The other essential characteristic of emptiness is symbolised by the womb as a dark vessel in which new life can develop, related to the Grail as a chalice for spiritual renewal - more generally, we are all potentially vessels for the Spirit.

The author describes an interview with Carl and Emma's grandson Andreas, and outlines Emma's life story, including the triangular relationship with Toni Wolff whereby '[Jung] never took anything from me to give to Toni, but the more he gave her, the more he seemed able to give to me.' She wrote books about the animus and anima as well as the Grail legend, and Susan characterises the wise old woman qualities she exhibited as protection, nurturing, love and guidance.

Two days before she died, Jung had a great illumination 'that lit up a centuries-old secret that was embodied in her and had exerted an unfathomable influence on my life.' (p. 151)

The longest chapter is devoted to dream illustrations featuring images of the wise old woman spirit from around the world, to which the author adds her own psychological commentary.

These include the New Jerusalem both within and without as a symbol of renewal and reconstruction. Emma Jung herself appears in one of the dreams to offer reassurance. Another features Mary taking the dreamer to an enormous fireplace - fire reduces all to its bare essentials, but this masculine spirit of heat and power cannot quench our thirst and needs to be balanced by the water of the feminine in a sacred marriage.

Each of us can enter into a partnership with eros and emptiness to help bring forth the necessary personal and collective transformation.

Writer and Editor: David Lorimer

Current Presentations
A Psychological Interpretation Of "The Rose"

As presented at the Analytical Psychology Club of San Francisco
November 2011

Reservations 925-932-2090


The psychological interpretation of fairy tales, a less familiar opening to the archetypal dimension in this country, is nevertheless, a rich source of vital, earthy and instinctual wisdom that comes to us in a playful, but serious way. Von Franz would remind us that fairy tales "mirror the basic patterns of the psyche more clearly."

At heart, our fairy tale today, The Rose, is about spiritual reawakening within the feminine. Von Franz has written, "...the real woman is uncertain as to her own essence, her own being, of what she is, or could be." In describing women of the Western world today, she observes that women seem to be seeking images which could define their identity. She states that women are motivated by disorientation and deep uncertainty, and notes that Jung sees this due to the fact "that women have no metaphysical representation in the Christian God-image."

While modern-day women are searching for feminine archetypal models of behavior, Birkhauser-Oeri points out that "nature itself has a spiritual aim," citing Jung's statement, "'that nature seeks to transcend itself'." In this fairy tale, we may learn one way that transformation of the feminine might come about. It is noteworthy, that the feminine resides in men, as well, and is an area of greatest significance to them.

Susan K. Faron, Ph.D. is a Diplomate Jungian Analyst from The Research and Training Centre For Depth Psychology according to C.G. Jung and Marie-Louise von Franz, Zurich, Switzerland. She holds a deep passion for Jungian psychology and feels that her own development serves as the best foundation for doing psychotherapy with others. She attended classes twice a year in Switzerland until she graduated and does research and writing alongside her private practice here in California. Susan loves nature, the sea, shells, rocks, walking, rain, California, and flowers, especially roses and tulips. She also enjoys painting and drumming. She lives and practices "among the trees" in Walnut Creek, and is a wife, mother, and grandmother. Her web address is www.drsusankfaron.com or www.walnutcreekpsychologist.org.

Susan K. Faron, Ph.D.
Diplomate Jungian Analyst and Licensed Psychologist
Walnut Creek, California